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Contact Us
Please reach out with any questions to one of the following contacts:
Rav Tanchum Gold, Rabbi ✆ ✉
Shalom Cohen, President ✆ ✉
Joe Offenbacher, Treasurer ✆ ✉
Frannie Goldstein, Special Events & Gabbaim ✆ ✉
Bracha Copelan, Youth ✆ ✉
Alex Bailey, Maintenance ✆ ✉
Debbie Gevir, Jaffe Hall & Guest Speakers ✆ ✉
Jonny Finkel, Website & Project Manager ✆ ✉
Become a Member!
Shul members receive free seating on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, discounts for shul events and rentals of rental of the Jaffe Simcha Hall.
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