Meet the Rav

Rav Tanchum Gold
Rav Gold studied at Yeshivat Maale Adumim, where he developed a deep understanding of Jewish texts and traditions. He received the prestigious יורה יורה, ידין ידין ordinations from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.
In addition to his religious studies, Rav Gold holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education, Tanach, and Talmud, and a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and is a member of the Israeli Bar Association. His legal and Torah knowledge converge in his role as an active Dayan, serving on several monetary courts.
Rav Gold is also a dedicated educator, teaching at Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim, a gap year program in Jerusalem.
He is married to Ayala, a CSI DNA specialist, and together they have five beautiful children. Rav Gold's leadership and commitment to both his family and community enrich the spiritual and educational life of our shul, fostering a spirit of learning, justice, and growth.
To contact Rabbi Gold, email